Papa le golfeur

J'aime le golf. Sans en être un passioné, je joue régulièrement avec Lise, mon fils Sébastien et parfois avec mes amis Bernard et François. Lise et moi sommes des « Baby Boomer » et nous venons tout juste de prendre notre retraite. J'utilise ces pages pour parler de choses qui me tiennent à coeur et aussi de faits cocasses et événements de tous les jours.

Nous sommes donc la retraite depuis midi le 29 décembre 2006 soit depuis

Nom :
Emplacement : Gatineau, Québec, Canada

mercredi, décembre 22, 2004

Les résolutions de Frank pour 2005

Frank c'est mon grand chum de Montréal. Il travaille à Ottawa mais retourne toujours chez lui le jeudi, comme un commis-voyageur...
Il a fait parvenir sa liste de résolutions à ses amis ce matin. Je voulais afficher ce qu'il dit de mois mais j'ai décidé de mettre la note au complet.
Joyeuses Fêtes Frank...

Hi everyone, I know we all go through this every year but in 2005 I hope to accomplish several New Year Resolutions. I thought I would give you all a little glimpse of my goals for 2005.

1- Lose 20 lbs, this is the year I will do it, I will lose those extra 20 lbs. After all, a beautiful mind deserves a beautiful body.
2- When I bid on my current position several years ago, Carole helped me in preparing for all the required testing and I promised her that if I ever got the job I would take her out for lunch. I got the job but never took her out for lunch. So Carole, sometime in 2005, lunch is on me. But when I think of the number of times I bailed you out of your programming errors, maybe you should be taking me out for lunch. Only kidding Carole. You other guys can join us but like I said...Carole...lunch is on me. Get the hint !!!
3- I will continue to read Denys's blog on a regular basis. It contains all the news one really needs to know. Screw Dan Rather, I'll listen to Denys for all the information I need to know. If sweet and lovable Lise can listen to Denys's ranting and raving everyday, surely I can endure him for 15 minutes. Come to think about it.... a day without Denys is like a day without orange juice.
4- To continue to encouage and support my 'kids'. As a parent, no matter how happy you are, you feel much more gratified when you know your kids are happy.
5- To return some favors to our good friend George, who's a part of our family and who's loved by all our pets, past and present. George, your friendship and loyalty are second to none. For a Greek you're alright. Good things are in store for 2005.
6- To find more ways to make Heather giggle and laugh. Even though the braces are gone, it's still a turn-on it is to hear her laughing. How could listening to someone giggle be so sensual ? Uummmm... Heather, you got what it takes to take what I got.
7- To find a way to lose those 2 cats we have at home. Personally I think they're a plot to drive me to the brink of insanity. I was 'roped' into bringing them home. I should have left them in Ottawa. Ah well, might as well forget that idea, I'll try living with them, they're really not that bad.
8- And to my darling wife Pam, I will make 2005 just a little bit better for her. When I think of my darkest moments, she was always there to support and encourage me. Like the song says....
"Each day through my window
I watch as she passes by
I say to myself
you're such a lucky guy
To have a girl like her
is truly a dream come true
out of all the fellas in the world
she belongs to you"

Here's hoping all your dreams and wishes come true.
To all of you...
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year !!!


Anonymous Anonyme said...

Frank, I plan on losing 20 pounds too.


22 décembre, 2004 10:52  

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